HC900 Process Control and Safety System : HONEYWELL HC900 PC Software

Hybrid Control Designer configuration software is a Windows-based PC application for configuring HC900 controllers. Its drag and drop placement methods and soft-wiring of analog and digital function blocks allow a custom control strategy to be easily created. System configuration for peer data exchanges, master communications to slave devices, and emailing of alarms and events directly from the controller are also provided. Multiple worksheets allow process functions to be conveniently partitioned and unique security assignments for each partition limit access to only authorized personnel. Online monitoring features such as watch-windows, logic power flow, live data on diagram, signal trace-back, forcing and multiple function block access aid in debug operations. Run-mode configuration edit download capability avoids costly process shutdown or initialization.

A library of printouts allows more complete process documentation including worksheet pages, recipes, profiles, displays and I/O listings.  Use direct Ethernet, an RS485 port, RS 232 port or modem connection for complete upload and download operations.

Hybrid Control Utilities software is a related product that provides a subset of Hybrid Control Designer functions for maintenance personnel and users without authorization to modify a controller’s configuration. This software allows users to develop recipes, profiles, sequences and other process-related operations for loading into a controller’s database without impacting the control strategy. Maintenance functions such as I/O calibrations, process debug and hardware diagnostic operations are also supported.

For Quotes, Pricing, & Availability please call our toll free number 800-878-1551 or send an email to sales@industronics.com

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